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If you ask yourself any of the follow questions, our Custom Solutions will help you find the answers. 

1. I keep seeing the same number of patients but why is my monthly revenue decreasing? 

2. Why are my cash/co-pay collections decreasing? 

3. How can I increase collections on past due accounts without sending the receivables to a collection company?

4. What is the average number of days for accounts receivable? 

5. What is the average profit per visit? 

6. What is the most profitable area of my practice?

7. Which expenses can be reduced or eliminated? 

8. How can I increase the overall profitability of my practice? 

Areas covered by our review are:

  • Billing and Collections
  • Financial Reporting (Key Performance Indicators)
  • Patient Enrollment
  • Technology
  • Compliance Review
  • Future Growth Planning
  • Disaster Recovery

What is Custom Solutions? 

Our custom solutions is designed to create cost saving efficiencies in your office. We do the following:

1. Review existing business processes as noted below. 

2. Compare existing business processes with Best Practices

3. Present you with a custom solution to fit your needs while providing cost saving analysis

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Solutions for Healthcare Providers, Patients & Employers through better communication, time management and financial analysis.